Fisheries Division Open Day 7 July 2023

The Barbados Fisheries Division's Open Day 2023 was held at our office building on Princess Alice Highway, Bridgetown on Friday, 7 July 2023 between the hours of 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Over 80 students and teachers attended the Open Day and from all reports it was an engaging day. The Open Day was hosted in collaboration with Work Consultancy Inc, a social enterprise that fosters professional, corporate, and social development in Barbados.

Our objective was to engage students from secondary schools to expose them to the various career opportunities in the fisheries sector and by extension the blue economy. We also intended to educate students and the public about the importance of the fisheries sector to food security and the work that the Fisheries Division is doing to manage fisheries resources for present and future generations.

Engagement activities included an overview of the digital technologies used in fisheries management including vessel monitoring devices. Storytelling by fisherfolk, presentations by marine and fisheries biologists, fishing gear and equipment exhibits, demonstrations by vessel inspectors and tractor operators, fish processing demos and a fish sampling station.

Fisheries and marine related art pieces and photographs were also on display curated by the Barbados Arts Council. In addition, tours of the Bridgetown Fisheries Complex were facilitated throughout the day.

Exhibitors included:

Fisherfolk organisations | Barbados Game Fishing Association
Export Barbados | UNDP Accelerator Labs | FAO | UWI-CERMES | Rum and Sargassum Inc | Sea Eagles Swim Club

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