The Fisheries Act (Cap. 391 section 4): Provides the legal authority for management and development of fisheries in Barbados and for the administration of the Fisheries Act
Existing legislation
• Fisheries Act (1993, amended 2000):
• Fisheries (Management) Regulations (1998):
Proposed legislation expected to be completed and entered into force shortly
• Fish Quality and Inspection Act and Regulations:
• Fisheries (Fees) Regulations:
• Fisheries Regulations:
• Aquaculture Regulations:
Fisheries related legislation
• Markets and Slaughterhouses Act (1958):
• Barbados Territorial Waters Act (1977):
• Marine Boundaries and Jurisdiction Act (1978):
• Defense Act (1979):
• Shipping Act (1994):
• Registration and inspection of large vessels
• Coastal Zone Management Act (1998):
• Marine Pollution Control Act (1998):