Cecil R. G. 1999. Half a century of fisheries in Barbados: A quest for socio-economic interpretations in the systematic literature and the popular press. Fisheries Division Report No.1. 165 pp.

Over the last half century, the fisheries of Barbados have been the subject of reports, studies and surveys, prepared by observers, representing diverse interests and approaches.  Concurrently the popular press has reported, irregularly, on many different aspects of the industry.  The cumulative mass of information, written in the last five decades, has grown to a point where it needs to be reviewed comprehensively, and synthesized.  That task is attempted here.

The review is concerned with the socioeconomic aspects of fisheries,within an overall context of economic development.  But, the actual approach used is restricted by the nature of the information, i.e., by the quality and quantity of information and data on specific Socioeconomic aspects of fisheries, and on the sector as a whole.  

Nevertheless, each part of the fisheries system that received any form of attention in the past is examined individually.  It follows that some aspects of the industry can only be given cursory treatment, while others are examined in terms of their general nature and evolution.  Where needed and when possible, the information is placed into the island's greater economic development context.  The format of the presentation is designed so that the review serves as a compilation of key information, major ideas, and analytical interpretations, offered by previous authors. At the same time it provides a guide to the major works that have been published on the fisheries of Barbados over the years.

Tne review makes no pretence at replacing the works that preceded it.  But, certain topics have received so little attention,in the past, that most of what has been said about them can be reproduced here.  Conversely, material from topics that have received a great deal of coverage in the past is included here selectively, but as comprehensively as possible.